School Uniform

  • green school cardigan or jumper
  • a green checked summer dress may be worn during warmer weather
  • gold polo shirt
  • green skirt or grey trousers
  • grey socks or grey tights
  • black shoes
  • a warm waterproof coat

PE Kit

  • plain white T-shirt
  • black shorts
  • black pumps
  • trainers for outside (KS2 only)
  • During periods of cold weather plain black jog pants / leggings and a plain black sweatshirt may be worn for outdoor PE both of which should not have logo’s.

For swimming lessons your child will need: 

  • swimming costume or trunks
  • a swimming hat
  • a towel
  • goggles (if signed parental permission slip is in place)

Please remember to label all items of clothing.

School has a stock of sweatshirts and cardigans available. Also Whittakers of Blackburn and Abbey Street of Accrington have been authorised to sell sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts only, with our school logo on.  Book bags are available from our School Office.


In the interests of safety it is a Governors’ rule that no jewellery may be worn. Children are allowed to wear watches but they are responsible for looking after them. Please ensure that all alarms or hourly chimes are switched off! Parents should contact the Headteacher about medical bracelets.

If children wish to have their ears pierced, please have this done in the first week of the summer holidays. Children can wear small gold stud for school, if they are able to remove them for PE. We do not allow the wearing of ear rings during PE sessions for reasons of safety which is in line with the guidance and recommendations of the Association for Physical Education’s publication  “Safe Practice in Physical Education & School Sport”.


We encourage all children to take a pride in their appearance and to be proud of the school that they represent. Hair should be smart, cut/arranged in a conventional style without streaks, bleaches, colouring and tram-lines. Extremes of hairstyle are not permitted.  Long hair must be tied back  regardless of gender.

  • All Pupils are expected to change into separate P.E clothes.
  • Although KS1 pupils are expected to be familiar with a variety of fastenings, the emphasis for P.E changing is to keep these to a minimum. We therefore ask your help in sending pupils in trousers or skirts with elasticated waists.
  • In the past sandals have been worn in the summer months.  However, due to the increased risk of injuries through wearing this footwear, they are no longer school uniform.
  • We have very limited space in our cloakrooms and classrooms and so we do not allow large bags to be brought into school.