At st bartholomew’s ce primary school, we pride ourselves on the achievements of all our pupils. 

There is no attainment data for 2020 and 2021: The Data for 2022 is at the end of this page. 

This is our invalidated End of KS2 Attainment 2019. The percentages of pupils meeting the expected standard:

  • Reading
    86% (National 75%) Achieving a higher standard 28% (National 28%) Average scaled score 106.8 (National 105)
  • Writing
    79% (National 78%) Achieving greater depth 28% (National 20%)
  • Maths
    93% (National 76%) Achieving a higher standard 28% (National 24%) Average scaled score 106.8 (National 104)
  • The school’s combined result was 72.4% (National 64%) with 14% achieving a higher level (National 10%)

Progress Scores

Our progress scores for 2019 are given below. A progress score of zero, 0.0, is average progress compared to children with similar starting points. A progress score greater than zero indicates that our children have made greater progress than the national picture.

  • Reading
    + 2.1  (in line with the national average)
  • Writing
    +  0.4  (in line with the national average)
  • Maths
    +  1.7 (in line with the national average)

This is our end of Key Stage 1 Data for 2019

  • Reading
    77% (National 75%) Achieving a higher standard 23% (National 26%)
  • Writing
    77% (National 70%) Achieving greater depth 17% (National 16%)
  • Maths
    80% (National 76%) Achieving a higher standard 30% (National 22%)
  • The school’s combined result was 70% (National 64%)

This is our Phonics Screening Data 2019

  • % of children who “passed” the test – 66.7% (National 82%)

This is our EYFS data 2019

  • % of children who achieved a GLD (Good Level of Development)  – 76.7 %

These results are good and reflect the hard work of the children; we are proud of them and the work they put in to try and achieve their best.  As a very ambitious school, our aim is to continue to accelerate our pupil progress in all areas.  Our school improvement plan addresses the areas where we feel attention is required.

To see the DfE’s performance tables for further information about the results for our school please click on this link:

(Please note the tables are usually updated late in the Autumn Term once national results have been validated.)

Assessment Results Data

Updated: 18/04/2024 434 KB