Hearts of St. Bart’s,  is the active PTFA (Parents, Teacher and Friends Association) of St Bartholomew’s School.

Following a break due to Covid, Hearts of St Barts resumed on  10th January 2023 and have met each month since to plan a number of events for the next few month. They will send more details to parents about these via the school newsletters and emails.

The next Hearts of  St Barts meeting is Tuesday 13th May, 7pm at The Park pub Great Harwood. Everyone is welcome as this meeting is to plan a summer fair.

Through ther work recently, the PTFA have continued to fund various things for the children, some of these include:

  • Advent books/Selection boxes
  • Leavers Parties
  • Reading books and dictionaries
  • Film nights
  • Playground Equipment
  • Theater Company visits

If you would like to contact or join them, please click on the link below
